30' Lagree on the Micro at the Berlin Wall

30' Lagree on the Micro at the Berlin Wall

A 30 min intense full body Lagree class performed on the Microformer with a focus on core, muscular strength, and muscular endurance

Equipment: Microformer with front platform, front handles and bungee cables.
Trainer: Tresor

In this video, you will perform:
- core: reverse giant crunch variations; wheelbarrow; giant kneeling crunches; reverse plank to pikes; mountain climbers
- obliques: teasers; reverse twisted plank to pikes; side bear crawls
- legs: runner’s lunges; kneeling runner’s lunges; floor escalator lunges; moonwalks
- arms: bungee triceps extensions; biceps pull downs; one arm sliding planks

Meet with Tresor at booster transform Zurich, where he coaches the Lagree Method. www.boostertransform.com

Follow us on Instagram @boostertransform and @tqta3

Background photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash.

30' Lagree on the Micro at the Berlin Wall
  • 30' Lagree on the Micro in front of the Berlin Wall

    A 30 min intense full body Lagree class performed on the Microformer with a focus on core, muscular strength, and muscular endurance

    Equipment: Microformer with front platform, front handles and bungee cables.
    Trainer: Tresor

    In this video, you will perform:
    - core: reverse giant crunch variat...